Sunday, February 04, 2007

Dorthy's Surprise 59th B-day

For my mom’s 59th birthday, we planned and re-planned and even got Lingo-my mom’s long time significant other – to be a little deceitful. For the first time in eight years, my two brothers –Jerry and Rusty – along with my sister – Debbie and I were together. Their family as well as my Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Harold met at Lunker Peabuckets for dinner. Lingo delivered on his part at precisely 6:50PM. They walked thru the door to a Happy Birthday song. There was a whole restaurant full of people who thankfully smiled as they saw tears in my moms eyes along with a look of surprise. We ate, we talked, we shared pictures of my mom over the last several years. We laughed, we told stories and eventually we even danced – a commonality and fun entertainment we all enjoy. The party was a success. Over 300 pictures were taken and boy! Do they tell their own story of the nights events. I think for all of us – it was night to remember!

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